The idea for a Beyton environmental and conservation body came about from a comprehensive village appraisal, together with the assistance of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Ipswich.
We had our first environmental conservation meeting on Thursday 25th November 1993 in Beyton church vestry, when the main speaker was Marya Parker of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Volunteers from the local community agreed to take part in conserving the qualities of the village and formed the Beyton Environmental Group. Our initial projects were to restore three ponds and a local wildlife site, and to improve local footpaths and hedgerows.
The Suffolk Wildlife Trust gave us a grant of £180, which together with a start-up grant of £20 from British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV), assisted with the administrative costs.
In 1994, the group was very fortunate to receive a grant of £500 from Shell Better Britain Campaign to help with the group’s first major project. We used the money to hire a JCB, skips and tools to clear the pond in Quaker Lane – initially referred to as “Fridge” pond due to the amount of such domestic rubbish it contained!
When the project was completed, the pond was later fittingly renamed “Oak Tree Pond”. The project received favourable coverage in the local press with articles appearing in Mercury, East Anglian Daily Times and the Bury Free Press.
Since it began, the group has enjoyed continued success and now has a well-defined management structure and constitution. BEG is thankful for the regular financial support it has received from both the Beyton Parish Council and the Beyton Village Association. Over the years, the group has attracted additional, energetic volunteers so BEG remains very active in improving the local environment and in embarking on further projects.