Official Village Website
Full report of the trees on The Green; Councillors will be considering any actions required as a result of this report at the meeting on 6 February 2024. See the full report here.
Willow Harvesting on The Green, Beyton
As you may be aware, there have been Cricket Bat Willows growing along the water course running through the recreational green at Beyton for many years for all to enjoy.
There were 11 trees harvested in 2016 which were replanted in January 2017 along with a further 3 extra trees. At the time of felling there were a further 6 trees which were left to grow on, these trees are now needing to be felled and replaced due to their age and condition, there are 2 which are unsafe and could be a danger to the public.
The timber from these trees will make good quality English clefts which will be sent all over the world for people to play and enjoy the wonderful game of cricket.
All trees will be replanted as per the Forestry Commission Felling Licence guidelines, to replace on the minimum bases of 1 for 1, where possible the contractors will endeavour to plant extra trees, as is there company ethos.
There will not be any burning of waste wood by the contractors, smaller arisings will be chipped on site and any top wood too large for chipping will be removed from site.
We kindly ask that the community be patient and understanding towards our contractors carrying out the works, by keeping a safe distance from the work site and following any signs and advice during the felling procedure.
January 2024.
Beyton now owns its Village Green!
Beyton Parish Council has revealed that after long negotiations it now owns The Green on behalf of the village.
Announced at the council’s November meeting, this is a momentous step for Beyton.
For the first time, villagers, via the Parish Council, can take full responsibility for all aspects of The Green including insurance cover, granting permission for events, ensuring the care of all trees, the stream, and the like.
The land will remain legally registered as a “Village Green” with no major changes anticipated.
Previously the council had a lease on the land but, over the years, this proved problematic, hence the need for negotiation and the council to take charge.
The Council said: “We would like to thank the Ladies of the Manor –sisters Mrs Gloria Goodson and Mrs Sandra Bishop, from the Walpole family whose association with the village dates back to the 18th century. They have been helpful, understanding and considerate during what were quite detailed negotiations, and we thank them for their stewardship of the land over many, many years.”
To commemorate the significance of this event, Beyton Parish Council plans to erect a plaque acknowledging the historic ownership by the Walpole family and the ultimate acquisition of The Green for the people of Beyton
Bank transfer 25.00
Identity checks. 14.00
Land registry search 3.00
Land registry fee 20.00
Purchase Price 15,310.00
Searches 840.72
Sellers legal fees 3,690.00
Solicitors fees 1,300.00
Total price 21,202.72
Funded by:
S106 Grant 14,590.23
CIL 6,612.49
History to the purchase of The Green
March 2023 update
The Parish Council has received an email from the vendors land agents suggesting the land is no longer available for sale and there is no possibility of a lease to the Parish Council. The Parish Council are making further enquiries with the land agent, the Parish Council solicitor and the Open Spaces society and hope to have a positive update soon.
February 2023 Update
Further to a resolution to purchase the Village Green on 12 April 2022 (minute reference 120422/27) the Council's solicitors confirmed by email on 8 February 2023 that the Parish Councils solicitors costs remains identical to that quoted at the meeting on 10 May 2022 (minute reference 100522/17_despite the length of time taking to complete this purchase; the delay is due to the current owners wishing to retain the lordship title. The fund to purchase the green and to pay solicitors fees has been ring fenced in the reserves account; as the Parish Council use the receipts and payments accounting method this is the only way to reserves funds that in a commercial term would be 'accrued' costs.
The Annual play Inspection for 2022/23 was carried out on 17 January 2023; the full report is available here
July 2022 Update
Gudgeons Prentice, the Parish Councils solicitors, are waiting on answers to a number of questions from the vendors solicitors regarding overriding interests. The searches have been upgraded to Commercial searches and are currently being processed.
The Parish Council resolved to purchase the Village Green at the meeting held on 12 April 2022 where twelve members of public were present. This followed a very successful open day on Saturday 26 March 2022; the Parish Councillor's were overwhelmed by your support.
With the exception of one resident all attendees were happy to exchange questions and comments making a note of their thoughts and opinions on paper.
On 9 April the papers were opened by the Clerk and verified by Councillor John Clark and a member of public.
From both the open day and publicity material displayed around the Parish a total of 75 residents expressed their thoughts and opinions on the Parish Council purchasing the Green: 70 residents offered support, 4 did not support and one vote was rejected.