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Agendas, Minutes and Reports

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7 May 2024 and will be held after the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish is a meeting for the residents of Beyton hosted by the Chairman of the Parish Council - IT IS NOT a Parish Council meeting.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish is held to allow groups, organisation and individuals the opportunity to confirm recent achievements and inform of planned future events, it also gives residents the opportunity to say what they like or dislike about Beyton and what they would or would not like to see happen in the village in the future.

Both these meetings will be held in the Conference Room at the Beyton Campus of the Thurston Sixth (Drinkstone Road, Beyton IP30 9AQ). Refreshments will be served from 6.30pm allowing time for residents to meet with Councillors and fellow residents. The Annual Meeting of the Parish will commence at 7pm and will be followed immediately by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

We look forward to meeting with you all and hearing your achievements, plans and likes/dislikes about Beyton.

Parish Council meetings will usually take place on the first Tuesday of the month, starting at 7.30pm unless stated otherwise.

Meetings are open to the public and press and there is a section of the meeting where residents are invited to raise questions or make comment, although there is no requirement of the Council to answer any questions immediately, Councillor's will take account of the balance of views expressed when they are deliberating matters during the remainder of the meeting.

For a more detailed understanding of how Council meetings are conducted please read the Councils Standing Orders.

Please note all documents are filed in Council year and not calendar year; the Council year runs from April through to March.